Sloomoo Institute was born from a very personal place when playing with slime brought one of the Co-Founders joy at a very difficult time in life(read more here). The founders then discovered dozens of stories about how sensory play enabled others to relieve stress and anxiety. Giving back to mental health non-profits, such as NAMI, MindUP & Love is Louder, and sharing ways in which the Sloomoo audience can benefit is a key mission. The brand has partnered with acclaimed psychiatrist Dr. Judith Joseph MD MBA to understand the brain on sensory play. “Soothing the senses is a relaxation technique used in behavioral therapy. It lowers your fight or flight stress response, which results in lowering your blood pressure and heart rate. When your body relaxes, your mind can function better,” explains Dr. Joseph, “Play is crucial for a child’s development but also beneficial for people of all ages. It can trigger endorphins to promote an overall sense of well-being.”


Inclusivity is woven through every thread of our DNA, from equal employment opportunities (including neurodiversity) and working with minority-owned businesses to opening the experience to underserved schools and special needs groups and the wall of charms at the DIY Bar in the experience. “When we noticed that all of the charms for slime reflected a lack of diversity, we worked with a young artist named Taylor Haynes to turn her illustrations of Brown and Black girls into charms so our guests can find themselves represented as they design their slimes,” the founders say.


We care about the environment. We will be going through hundreds of gallons of slime every day and we refuse to add more waste to the landfill.

We partnered with the Center for Architecture, Science and Ecology (CASE) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) to find a sustainable solution for slime waste. Working alongside Joshua Draper, a professor and researcher, and Rahmi Ozisik, PhD, a materials scientist, we created a “Slime Matrix” and logged everything we put into slime in order to study it. We determined that many elements of our slime are biodegradable.

We are in the midst of a study to launch the first recycling program for slime. We will share our journey along the way, so stay tuned. Dispose responsibly!