June is Pride month, so what better time to learn more about the founding of the Stonewall Foundation and the history that proceeded it.

Pride Was a Riot
June 28, 1969
The Stonewall Uprising began in the early hours of June 28th, when NYC police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar located in the heart of Greenwich Village in New York City. The raid sparked a riot amongst neighborhood residents and bar patrons, leading to six days of protests which included violent clashes with the police. The week long protests serve as a catalyst for the gay rights movement in the United States and around the world.
Stonewall came to life in 1990 in response to dozens of groups emerging to address pressing issues. The founders' goal was to create a foundation "for us and by us," where loss could inspire legacy and the power of individual giving could be amplified. Today, fundraising, grant making, and community participation are carefully threaded throughout their work.
What does Stonewall do today?
Stonewall strengthens the LGBTQ+ Movement by making smart, values-driven investments in dynamic organizations, projects, and leaders. As a public foundation, they do so in close partnership with donors and the very people working on the front lines of progress. They fund over 100 nonprofits a year, in more than 30 issue areas and house five scholarship programs, including the largest in the country created to support LGBTQ+ refugees and asylum seekers.
Shop Stonewall Proud 100% of profits are donated to the Stonewall Foundation
Our Collaboration
Stonewall Proud features a black base and a DIY clay rainbow heart topper. When mixed, it turns slate grey, reminiscent of the original Stonewall brick wall.