January: Snowy Sugar Cookies

January: Snowy Sugar Cookies

How to Make Snow Fizz Slime 



 Please Gather:

  • 4 oz School Glue
  • Blue Colorant
  • Vanilla & Coconut Scent
  • Empty 8 oz Jar With Blank Label
  • 4 oz Jar Of Snow Fizz Powder
  • Lotion (Any Kind)
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Spoon Or Spatula
  • Teaspoon Measuring Spoon
  • Activator (Video Included)

Step 1: Make your activator. Click here for a video tutorial!

Step 2: Grab a mixing bowl, spoon or spatula, lotion (provided), a teaspoon measuring spoon, and the activator you made!

Step 3: Empty your bottle of School Glue into your empty bowl.

Step 4: Add 1/2 teaspoon of lotion

Step 5: (Optional) Add 2-3 drops of your Vanilla & Coconut scent.

Step 6: (Optional) Add a few drops of your blue colorant. The more you add the darker the color your slime will be.

Step 7: Stir together.

Step 8: Add 1 teaspoon of activator.

Step 9: Mix THOROUGHLY! Your slime should still be a little sticky. This will make it easier to mix in your snow fizz powder and ensure that it sticks to your slime.

Step 10: Slowly add your snow fizz powder into the bowl. Mix thoroughly after adding.

Step 11: Use 1 finger to test the slime and see if it is sticky.

Step 12: If it sticks to you, add another 1/2 teaspoon of activator and mix again! At this point, the slime may look stringy and/or clumpy, that's okay! Trust the process and keep stirring as vigorously as possible. It may feel like it takes a while to fully incorporate, just stick with it!

Step 13: Again, use 1 finger to test the slime and see if it is sticky.

Step 14: If it sticks to you, add another 1/2 teaspoon of activator.

Step 15: Mix again.

Step 16: Repeat steps 14-15 until the slime is no longer sticky.

Note: if your slime feels hard at this point, add lotion one drop at a time. Mix thoroughly between drops, you may only need one! (Only do this if it's hard!!)

How to Make a Snowy Sugar Cookie



Please Gather:

  • Beige Clay
  • Blue Clay
  • Pearl Color Pigment Powder
  • Snowflake and Sprinkles Charm Pack

Step 1: Take a piece of your beige clay and roll it into a ball. The larger the piece the larger your cookie will be.

Step 2: Take the lid from your 6.5 oz jar and use it to flatten your ball into a cookie shape.

Step 3: Next, take your blue clay and roll it into a ball.

Step 4: Take the lid from your 6.5 oz jar and use it to flatten your ball into the same shape as your cookie.

Step 5: Now place the blue disc of clay on top of your cookie. This will be your “icing”.

Step 6: (Optional) Time to decorate! Sprinkle some snowflake and sprinkle charms on top of your cookie. You can also sprinkle your pearl pigment “powdered sugar” on top too!

Step 7: (Optional) Now you can smoosh your clay sugar cookie into your snow fizz slime to create a smooth, sizzly, and stretchy butter fizz texture!

Step 8: (Optional) If you don’t want to smoosh your cookie, you can store it in your 6.5 oz jar (tightly close the jar to prevent it from drying out) and enjoy the two separately!

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