April: White Chocolate Bark

 How to Make DIY Butter Slime


 Please Gather:

  • 1 Elmer’s School Glue
  • White Chocolate Scent
  • 1 Pastel Clay Pack
  • Empty 8 oz Jar with Side Label
  • Lotion (Any Kind)
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Spoon Or Spatula
  • Teaspoon Measuring Spoon
  • Activator (Video Here)

      Step 1: Make your activator using the instructions linked above.

      Step 2: Empty the entire bottle of Elmer’s Glue into a clean bowl. Try to get as much out of the bottle as possible.

      Step 3: Add 2 teaspoons of lotion into your bowl.

      Step 4: (Optional) Add 2-3 drops of the white chocolate scent.

      Step 5: Use your spoon or spatula to stir everything together very well.

      Step 6: Add 1 teaspoon of activator.

      Step 7: Mix THOROUGHLY. It takes longer than you think. At this point your slime will still be slightly sticky.

      Step 8: Add another teaspoon of activator and mix again. At this point, the slime may look stringy and/or clumpy, that's okay! Trust the process and keep stirring as vigorously as possible. It may feel like it takes a while to fully incorporate, just stick with it! Keep stirring until there are no strands or clumps left in your slime.

      Step 9: Use 1 finger to test the slime and see if it is sticky. If it sticks to you, add another 1/2 teaspoon of activator and continue mixing.

      Step 10: Continue this process until the slime is no longer sticky and totally smooth. This is your BASE slime.

      Step 11: Grab your clay. Mix as much as you want of the clay with your newly made BASE slime. The more clay you add, the smoother and softer your slime will be. Now you have butter slime. It should be spreadable and stretchy and silky.
      (If your slime is a little tough to stretch, just add a few drops of lotion and mix into your slime until fully incorporated.)

      Step 12: Don’t forget to name your slime!

      Step 13: Store your slime in the empty 8oz jar. Always keep your slime in the air-tight container we provided so it lasts longer. You may need to re-activate slime as it will melt over time. All slimes do!

      Step 14: Now it’s time to make your clay chocolate bark! See below for instructions.

       How to Make White Chocolate Bark Clay Topper 


      Please Gather:

      • (1) 4oz Jar of White Clay
      • (2) 1oz jars of Colored Clay
      • Charm Pack with Rainbow Sprinkles
      • Scissors or Another Cutting Tool (We used a butter knife!)

      Step 1: Remove half of the white clay from its jar.

      Step 2: Remove half of each of the 2 colored clays from their jars.

      Step 3: Stick all 3 clay pieces together.

      Step 4: Swirl the clay together by pulling and stretching it in a circular motion. You want to create a swirl of the 3 colors. Be careful not to swirl it too much, otherwise the colors will swirl and blend together too much, and become one solid color.

      Step 5: Take your swirled piece of clay, and flatten it using the smooth side of your 4oz jar. You should flatten it to be the size of the jar lid.

      Step 6: Take your cutting tool and cut the flattened piece of clay into four even pieces.

      Step 7: Now you have your white chocolate bark!

      Step 8: Sprinkle some rainbow sprinkles on top of your chocolate bark to decorate!

      Step 9: Repeat steps 1-8 with the rest of your clay to make even more chocolate bark!

      Step 10: (Optional) Now you can smoosh your clay chocolate bark into your butter slime to create a smooth, soft, spreadable, and stretchy butter texture!

      Step 11: (Optional) If you don’t want to smoosh your chocolate bark, you can store it in your 4 oz jar (tightly close the jar to prevent it from drying out) and enjoy the two separately!


      The Sloomoos

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