January: Spoonful of Sugar Bingsu Slime


Please Gather:

  • 5 oz Elmer’s clear glue
  • Activator Bottles
  • Slime Slip
  • Sugar scent
  • 8 oz jar with blank side label (filled with iridescent bingsu beads)
  • Sprinkle and charm pack
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Spoon Or Spatula
  • Teaspoon Measuring Spoon

Step 1: Grab a mixing bowl, spoon or spatula, a teaspoon measuring spoon, and the provided activator.

Step 2: Empty the entire bottle of Elmer’s clear glue into your bowl.

Step 3: (Optional) Add a few drops of the sugar scent into the bowl. If you like a strong scent, add a bit more.

Step 4: Add 2 teaspoons of slime slip to your bowl.

Step 5: Stir together until the ingredients are evenly combined.

Step 6: Add 1 teaspoon of activator.

Step 7: Mix thoroughly for about 2 minutes. Your slime will start to clump together. The mixture should remain a bit sticky, making it easier to incorporate the bingsu beads and ensuring they stick well into the slime.

Step 8: While the slime is still sticky, add the entire pack of iridescent bingsu beads. Gently fold in the beads until they are fully incorporated into the slime.

Step 9: Add 2 more teaspoons of activator and mix, mix, mix. The slime may get more strands and clumps, but don't get discouraged; you want to break those down by mixing. The more you break them up, the less sticky the slime will be. You know you’re doing it right if your arm starts to get tired!

Step 10: Use 1 finger to test the slime and see if it is sticky.

Step 11: If it sticks to you, add another 1/2 teaspoon of activator and mix again! The slime may look stringy and/or clumpy. That's okay! Trust the process and keep stirring as vigorously as possible. It may feel like it takes a while to fully incorporate; just stick with it! Repeat this process until your slime no longer feels sticky, but be careful! Don’t add too much activator; otherwise, your slime will become hard. You want the slime to be soft and stretchy but not sticky.

Step 12: Now you have bingsu slime!

Step 13: Decorate to your heart’s content with the sprinkles and charms!

Step 14: Don’t forget to name your slime! Write your slime’s name on the blank label on the side of your slime jar.

Step 15: Store your slime in the provided 8 oz jar. Always keep your slime in an airtight container when you’re not playing with it to prevent it from drying out so that it lasts as long as possible.


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